Andy says supreme commander snoke darth plagueis
Andy says supreme commander snoke darth plagueis

Darth Plagueis was the former master of our dearly departed Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, also known as Emperor Palpatine. It so happens that Darth Plagueis was born a Munn somewhere between 200 to 100 B.B.Y–before the Battle of Yavin. The fact that Supreme Leader Snoke is humanoid, but not necessarily a human, and possesses zombie-like reptilian features, he would resemble a race known as the Munn. But could he be the only one who never died?” – Excerpt from the novel.

andy says supreme commander snoke darth plagueis

“Plagueis was the most powerful Sith Lord who ever lived. This epiphany may not blow a Star Wars obsessed mind, but let me address why I believe Darth Plagueis to be the sole suspect. Let’s stop beating around the bush and proceed to punch the bush right in the face. Why would such a powerful, over-arching villain be introduced as a new character when there exists a plethora of canon and lore to pick an already existing one?

andy says supreme commander snoke darth plagueis


Very scarred and disfigured.” Furthermore, Serkis claimed that Supreme Leader Snoke is a “new character in the movie franchise.” Notice the qualifier, “movie franchise.” That can be interpreted as a technicality, stating the character is present in the Star Wars universe but has yet to be shown on-screen. Serkis went on to reveal that Snoke is “severely damaged,” and “Although he is a powerful leader, he comes across as vulnerable. Andy Serkis has said that the character is seven feet tall and extremely thin. Since Andy Serkis portrayed the character solely in a motion-captured outfit, Snoke can also be assumed to be deformed and transfigured but ultimately humanoid. We know that he is regarded as a mentor of Kylo Ren, who is slated to be the main villain in the upcoming Star Wars, which places Snoke as the possible leader of the Knights of Ren. What we know on the surface about Supreme Leader Snoke is also limited. The identity of Supreme Leader Snoke, in particular, is so secretive that even the actor playing Snoke, Andy Serkis, was not permitted to see the finished character. In almost every aspect, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been a heavily guarded film. It was not a direct quote from Serkis, so this is still a bit up in the air.Andy Serkis, Supreme Leader Snoke, in the CGI motion-capture outfit. They report: "Although there was much speculation about who Snoke might turn out to be (one popular theory was that he'd turn out to be a Sith Lord known from the prequels as Darth Plagueis) he actually turns out to be … just Snoke." Please note, those quotation marks are to note what the EW writer wrote. However, EW spoke with Serkis back in November (they repurposed those quotes in this piece), and during the course of the interview they say they were told by him that there is no connection between the two. Musical cues that are strikingly similar between that scene and "Snoke's Theme" in Star Wars: The Force Awakens also support the popular theory. he could? And that's been the foundation of an intriguing fan theory that speculates Supreme Leader Snoke (played by Andy Serkis) will turn out to be Darth Plagueis.

andy says supreme commander snoke darth plagueis

Palpatine ended his conversation with Anakin by saying, "It's ironic that he could save others from death, but not himself." But what if.

Andy says supreme commander snoke darth plagueis