TRIVIAL PURSUIT, the associated logo, the distinctive design of the game board, trivia cards, game tokens, and scoring wedges are trademarks of Hasbro. Hasbro Gaming Trivial Pursuit Master Edition Trivia Board Game for Adults and Teens Ages 16 and Up( Exclusive). Kilimanjaro is With loads of new questions, you’re bound to be a master after a. So get ready, the race is on to find the master of Trivial Pursuit! Could it be you? Be a know-it-all with Trivial Pursuit Master Edition What was George Orwell’s real name Do you know where Mt. When this is accomplished, the player must answer one more question to win the game.

To attempt to win the game, a player must land directly on the center of the board. When one’s playing piece is full, that player must return to the center of the board, where everyone started the game. Each sold separately The questions appearing in the Trivial PursuitTM Genus Edition are copyright 1981 Horn Abbot Ltd. Coming Soon TM TRIVIAL PURSUIT TM YOUNG PLAYERS EDITION 6 new categories, 6,000 new questions trivia for kids. About this item Trivial Pursuit Master Game Young Players Edition New & Used (10) from 10.00 + 4.
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In addition to who, what, and when questions, now you could be asked to look at an image on the card, pick the right answer from multiple choices, or choose the one that does not belong. Trivial Pursuit Strategy and Tips Winning the Game. Hasbro Gaming Trivial Pursuit Master Edition Trivia Board Game for Adults and Teens Ages 16 and Up (Amazon Exclusive) 53.95 Amazon Basics Games Case Pack, Fruit & Veggie Domino (Gradient), Balancing Monkeys, Balancing Boat, Tower Tumbling, Balancing Cactus 15 1 offer from 69. ALL-STAR SPORTS EDITION 6 new categories, 6,000 new questions all on sports. Trivial Pursuit (Master Game Young Players Edition) Brand: Hasbro 3 ratings 44 95 & FREE Returns Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping.

With 2,950 intriguing, challenging, and sometimes humorous questions, the Trivial Pursuit Master Edition game lets trivia buffs show off their smarts. Who will be the ultimate trivia master? You'll have to play to find out! Fun Question Challenges Then rack your brain for the answer before the electronic timer goes off. Get into a challenging battle of wits with the Master Edition of the Trivial Pursuit game! With 2,950 fascinating questions, you'll only collect all 6 wedges and win the game if you can come up with the answers! Choose Geography, Art & Literature, History, Science & Nature, Sports & Leisure or Entertainment questions.